U9-U12 *Morning* Skills Centre


To participate in the Academy Skills Centre program, players must be registered in a Academy program.


What is the Morning Skills Centre?

The U9-U12 Morning Skills Centre is an optional additional program that focuses on technical development for the top players in the U9-U12 divisions. It is led by our most qualified club coaches, in relatively small groups in local gyms, which further emphasizes the technical development feel.  Sessions typically start with a short introduction game, followed by concentrated technical and physical development drills, and typically ending back with a short game at the end.  The sessions have proven highly beneficial to our most talented players in the past, and are typically attended by the most committed and focused players in the club.  While the morning start time is difficult for some families to make work, those who do participate certainly reap benefits from this unique program. 

Details about the program


What equipment does my child need?

Players are required to wear their training uniform and appropriate footwear to all sessions.


Who can I contact if I have questions about:

Player and parent requirements

Players and parents must abide to the Ottawa TFC Code of Conducts: 

Note: If a refund is requested, part of your fee is non-refundable and covers insurance and administration costs associated with registered players. Consult the Refund Policy if needed.